OrocosComponentLibrary  2.9.0
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DeploymentComponent Class Reference

A Component for deploying (configuring) other components in an application. More...

#include <DeploymentComponent.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for DeploymentComponent:


struct  ComponentData
 Each configured component is stored in a struct like this. More...
struct  ConnectionData
 Assembles all ports which share a connection. More...

Public Member Functions

 DeploymentComponent (std::string name="Deployer", std::string siteFile="")
 Constructs and configures this component. More...
 ~DeploymentComponent ()
 Cleans up all configuration related information. More...
RTT::TaskContext * myGetPeer (std::string name)
bool connectPeers (const std::string &one, const std::string &other)
 Make two components peers in both directions, such that both can use each other's services. More...
bool connectPorts (const std::string &one, const std::string &other)
 Establish a data flow connection between two tasks. More...
bool connectPorts (const std::string &one, const std::string &one_port, const std::string &other, const std::string &other_port)
 Connect two named ports of components. More...
bool connect (const std::string &one, const std::string &other, ConnPolicy policy)
 Connect two named ports of components. More...
bool stream (const std::string &port, ConnPolicy policy)
 Creates a stream from a given port of a component. More...
bool createStream (const std::string &component, const std::string &port, ConnPolicy policy)
bool connectServices (const std::string &one, const std::string &other)
 Connects the required services of one component to the provided services of another and vice versa. More...
bool connectOperations (const std::string &required, const std::string &provided)
 Connects a required operation to a provided operation. More...
bool addPeer (const std::string &from, const std::string &target)
 Make one component a peer of the other, in one direction, such that one can use the services of the other. More...
bool aliasPeer (const std::string &from, const std::string &target, const std::string &alias)
 Make one component a peer of the other, in one direction, with an alternative name, such that one can use the services of the other and knows it under the name of the alias. More...
bool import (const std::string &package)
 Import a component package or directory. More...
void path (const std::string &path)
 Add an additional path to search for component packages. More...
bool loadLibrary (const std::string &name)
 Use this command to load a plugin or component library into the memory of the current process. More...
bool reloadLibrary (const std::string &filepath)
 Use this command to reload a component library into the memory of the current process. More...
bool loadComponent (const std::string &name, const std::string &type)
 Load a new component in the current process. More...
bool loadService (const std::string &component, const std::string &service)
 Loads a service in the given component. More...
bool unloadComponent (const std::string &name)
 Unload a loaded component from the current process. More...
void displayComponentTypes () const
 This function prints out the component types this DeploymentComponent can create. More...
std::vector< std::string > getComponentTypes () const
 This function returns the component types this DeploymentComponent can create in a comma separated list. More...
bool setPeriodicActivity (const std::string &comp_name, double period, int priority, int scheduler)
 (Re-)set the activity of a component with a periodic activity. More...
bool setActivity (const std::string &comp_name, double period, int priority, int scheduler)
 (Re-)set the activity of a component with an activity. More...
bool setFileDescriptorActivity (const std::string &comp_name, double timeout, int priority, int scheduler)
 (Re-)set the activity of a component with a FileDescriptor activity. More...
bool setActivityOnCPU (const std::string &comp_name, double period, int priority, int scheduler, unsigned int cpu_nr)
 (Re-)set the activity of a component and run it on a given CPU. More...
bool setSequentialActivity (const std::string &comp_name)
 (Re-)set the activity of a component with a (threadless, reactive) sequential activity. More...
bool setSlaveActivity (const std::string &comp_name, double period)
 (Re-)set the activity of a component with a (stand alone) slave activity. More...
bool setMasterSlaveActivity (const std::string &comp_name, const std::string &master_name)
 (Re-)set the activity of a component with a slave activity with master. More...
bool setNamedActivity (const std::string &comp_name, const std::string &act_type, double period, int priority, int scheduler, const std::string &master_name="")
 (Re-)set the activity of a component. More...
bool setNamedActivity (const std::string &comp_name, const std::string &act_type, double period, int priority, int scheduler, unsigned cpu_affinity, const std::string &master_name="")
 (Re-)set the activity of a component. More...
bool setWaitPeriodPolicy (const std::string &comp_name, int policy)
 (Re-)set the wait period policy of a component's thread. More...
bool loadComponents (const std::string &config_file)
 Load a (partial) application XML configuration from disk. More...
bool loadComponentsInGroup (const std::string &config_file, const int group)
 Load a (partial) application XML configuration from disk into a specific group. More...
bool configureComponents ()
 Configure the components with loaded configuration(s). More...
bool configureComponentsGroup (const int group)
 Configure the components in group group. More...
bool startComponents ()
 Start all components in the current configuration which have AutoStart set to true. More...
bool startComponentsGroup (const int group)
 Start all components in group group which have AutoStart set to true. More...
void clearConfiguration ()
 Clear all loaded configuration options. More...
bool stopComponents ()
 Stop all loaded and running components.
bool stopComponentsGroup (const int group)
 Stop all loaded and running components in group group. More...
bool cleanupComponents ()
 Cleanup all loaded and not running components.
bool cleanupComponentsGroup (const int group)
 Cleanup all loaded and not running components. More...
bool unloadComponents ()
 Unload all loaded and not running components.
bool unloadComponentsGroup (const int group)
 Unload all loaded and not running components in group group. More...
bool kickStart (const std::string &file_name)
 This function runs loadComponents, configureComponents and startComponents in a row, given no failures occur along the way.
bool kickOutComponent (const std::string &comp_name)
 Stop, cleanup and unload a single component which were loaded by this component. More...
void kickOut (const std::string &config_file)
 Identical to kickOutAll, but it reads the name of the Components to kickOut from an XML file. More...
bool kickOutAll ()
 Stop, cleanup and unload all components loaded by the DeploymentComponent. More...
bool kickOutGroup (const int group)
 Stop, cleanup and unload all components in group group.
bool runScript (const std::string &file_name)
 Scripting-alternative to kickStart: runs this script in the Orocos scripting service.
bool configure (const std::string &name)
 Configure a component by loading the property file 'name.cpf' for component with name name. More...
bool configureFromFile (const std::string &name, const std::string &filename)
 Configure a component by loading a property file. More...
bool loadConfiguration (const std::string &config_file)
 Load a (partial) application XML configuration from disk. More...
bool loadConfigurationString (const std::string &config_text)
 Identical to loadConfiguration, but reads the XML from a string instead of a file. More...
const RTT::FactoryMap & getFactories () const
 Returns the factory singleton which creates all types of components for the DeploymentComponent.
bool configureComponent (RTT::TaskContext *instance)
 Configure a single loaded and running component. More...
bool configureComponent (const std::string &comp_name)
 Configure a single loaded and running components. More...
bool startComponent (RTT::TaskContext *instance)
 Stop a single loaded and running component. More...
bool startComponent (const std::string &comp_name)
 Stop a single loaded and running components. More...
bool stopComponent (RTT::TaskContext *instance)
 Stop a single loaded and running component. More...
bool stopComponent (const std::string &comp_name)
 Stop a single loaded and running components. More...
bool cleanupComponent (RTT::TaskContext *instance)
 Cleanup a single loaded and not running component. More...
bool cleanupComponent (const std::string &comp_name)
 Cleanup a single loaded and not running component. More...
void shutdownDeployment ()
 Clean up and shutdown the entire deployment If an operation named "shutdownDeployment" is found in a peer component named "Application", then that operation is called otherwise if a scripting program named "shutdown" is loaded, then that will be executed, otherwise nothing occurs.
bool waitForSignals (int *sigs, std::size_t sig_count)
 Waits for any signal in the list and then returns. More...
bool waitForSignal (int signumber)
 Waits for any signal and then returns. More...
bool waitForInterrupt ()
 Waits for SIGINT, SIGTERM or SIGHUP and then returns. More...

Protected Types

typedef std::map< std::string, ConnectionDataConMap
 This maps connection names to associated ports.
typedef std::map< std::string, ComponentDataCompMap
 This list and map hold the dynamically loaded components.
typedef std::list< std::string > CompList

Protected Member Functions

bool configureHook ()
 This function imports available plugins from the path formed by the expression. More...
bool unloadComponentImpl (CompMap::iterator cit)
 This method removes all references to the component hold in cit, on the condition that it is not running.
virtual bool componentLoaded (RTT::TaskContext *c)
 Hook function for subclasses. More...
virtual void componentUnloaded (RTT::TaskContext *c)
 Hook function for subclasses. More...
Service::shared_ptr stringToService (std::string const &names)
 Converts a dot-separated path to a service to a Service object. More...
ServiceRequester::shared_ptr stringToServiceRequester (std::string const &names)
 Converts a dot-separated path to a service to a ServiceRequester object. More...
base::PortInterface * stringToPort (std::string const &names)
 Converts a dot-separated path to a service to a Port object. More...

Protected Attributes

RTT::PropertyBag root
 This bag stores the current configuration. More...
std::string compPath
int defaultWaitPeriodPolicy
RTT::Property< bool > autoUnload
RTT::Attribute< bool > validConfig
RTT::Constant< int > sched_RT
RTT::Constant< int > sched_OTHER
RTT::Constant< int > lowest_Priority
RTT::Constant< int > highest_Priority
RTT::Attribute< std::string > target
int nextGroup
 Next group number.
ConMap conmap
CompMap compmap
CompList comps

Detailed Description

A Component for deploying (configuring) other components in an application.

It allows to create connections between components, load the properties and scripts for components and setup component activities.

The main idea is to load an XML file as described in the Deployment Component Manual. It dictates the libraries to load, the components to create, configure and start. Every aspect of the XML file can be expressed in a program script as well. If you want this component to execute a program script, assign it a periodic activity using either a 'site local' XML script (see below), or by listing the DeploymentComponent in your main XML file.

Automatically loading a site local XML file

It is possible to store site local settings in a separate XML configuration file which will be automatically loaded when the DeploymentComponent is created. The default name of this file is 'this->getName() + "-site.cpf"'. It is only looked for and loaded in the constructor of this class.

Configuring the DeploymentComponent itself.

When reading an XML file (for example, when using kickStart() or loadComponents() ) the DeploymentComponent checks if a section is devoted to itself by comparing the listed component name with its own name ( this->getName() ). If it matches, it applies the configuration instructions to itself in the same manner as it would configure other components.

Definition at line 86 of file DeploymentComponent.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DeploymentComponent ( std::string  name = "Deployer",
std::string  siteFile = "" 

Constructs and configures this component.

The constructor looks for the site local configuration XML file ('name + "-site.cpf"') and if found, kickStart()'s it. You need to set AutoConf to true in order to force a call to configureHook(). In case this file is not present in the current working directory, the component is configured and is thus constructed in the Stopped state. Using a site file does not prevent you from kickstarting or loading other XML files lateron.

nameThe name of this component. By default: Deployer
siteFileThe site-specific XML file which, if found, will be used for a site-specific kickStart. If left empty, the value becomes by default: name + "-site.cpf"
See also

Definition at line 96 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::addPeer(), DeploymentComponent::aliasPeer(), DeploymentComponent::cleanupComponents(), DeploymentComponent::clearConfiguration(), DeploymentComponent::configure(), DeploymentComponent::configureComponent(), DeploymentComponent::configureComponents(), DeploymentComponent::connect(), DeploymentComponent::connectOperations(), DeploymentComponent::connectPeers(), DeploymentComponent::connectPorts(), DeploymentComponent::connectServices(), DeploymentComponent::createStream(), DeploymentComponent::displayComponentTypes(), DeploymentComponent::getComponentTypes(), DeploymentComponent::import(), DeploymentComponent::kickOut(), DeploymentComponent::kickOutAll(), DeploymentComponent::kickOutComponent(), DeploymentComponent::kickStart(), DeploymentComponent::loadComponent(), DeploymentComponent::loadComponents(), DeploymentComponent::loadConfiguration(), DeploymentComponent::loadConfigurationString(), DeploymentComponent::loadLibrary(), DeploymentComponent::loadService(), DeploymentComponent::path(), DeploymentComponent::reloadLibrary(), DeploymentComponent::runScript(), DeploymentComponent::setActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setActivityOnCPU(), DeploymentComponent::setFileDescriptorActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setMasterSlaveActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setPeriodicActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setSequentialActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setSlaveActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setWaitPeriodPolicy(), DeploymentComponent::startComponent(), DeploymentComponent::startComponents(), DeploymentComponent::stopComponent(), DeploymentComponent::stopComponents(), DeploymentComponent::stream(), DeploymentComponent::unloadComponent(), DeploymentComponent::unloadComponents(), DeploymentComponent::waitForInterrupt(), and DeploymentComponent::waitForSignal().

Cleans up all configuration related information.

If the property 'AutoUnload' is set to true, it will also call kickOutAll(), otherwise, the loaded components are left as-is.

Definition at line 280 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::kickOutAll().

Member Function Documentation

bool addPeer ( const std::string &  from,
const std::string &  target 

Make one component a peer of the other, in one direction, such that one can use the services of the other.

fromThe component that must 'see' target and use its services.
targetThe component that is 'seen' and used by from.
true if both components are peers of this deployment component and target became a peer of from.

Definition at line 356 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::configureComponentsGroup(), DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::loadComponent().

bool aliasPeer ( const std::string &  from,
const std::string &  target,
const std::string &  alias 

Make one component a peer of the other, in one direction, with an alternative name, such that one can use the services of the other and knows it under the name of the alias.

fromThe component that must 'see' target and use its services.
targetThe component that is 'seen' and used by from.
aliasThe name of the target as it will be seen by from.
true if both components are peers of this deployment component and target became a peer of from.

Definition at line 376 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool cleanupComponent ( RTT::TaskContext *  instance)

Cleanup a single loaded and not running component.

instanceinstance pointer of the component.
true if successfully cleaned up

Definition at line 2211 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::kickOutComponent().

bool cleanupComponent ( const std::string &  comp_name)

Cleanup a single loaded and not running component.

comp_namename of the component.
true if successfully cleaned up

Definition at line 908 of file DeploymentComponent.hpp.

bool cleanupComponentsGroup ( const int  group)

Cleanup all loaded and not running components.

groupThe group number to cleanup

Definition at line 1660 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::ComponentData::group, DeploymentComponent::ComponentData::instance, and DeploymentComponent::ComponentData::loadedProperties.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::cleanupComponents(), and DeploymentComponent::kickOutGroup().

void clearConfiguration ( )

Clear all loaded configuration options.

This does not alter any component.

Definition at line 1741 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::root.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool componentLoaded ( RTT::TaskContext *  c)

Hook function for subclasses.

Allows a subclass to abort or extend the loading of a component. By default, this function returns true.

false if the component should be unloaded again, true if loading was succesful.

Reimplemented in CorbaDeploymentComponent.

Definition at line 276 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::loadComponent().

void componentUnloaded ( RTT::TaskContext *  c)

Hook function for subclasses.

Allows a subclass to take notice of a component being deleted.

ca valid TaskContext object.

Reimplemented in CorbaDeploymentComponent.

Definition at line 278 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::unloadComponentImpl().

bool configure ( const std::string &  name)

Configure a component by loading the property file 'name.cpf' for component with name name.

nameThe name of the component to configure. The file used will be 'name.cpf'.
true if the component is a peer of this component and the file could be read.

Definition at line 2157 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::configureFromFile().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool configureComponent ( RTT::TaskContext *  instance)

Configure a single loaded and running component.

instanceinstance pointer of the component.
true if successfully configured.

Definition at line 2229 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool configureComponent ( const std::string &  comp_name)

Configure a single loaded and running components.

comp_namename of the component.
true if successfully configured

Definition at line 857 of file DeploymentComponent.hpp.

bool configureComponents ( )

Configure the components with loaded configuration(s).

This function connects components and data ports, reads properties for the components, attaches activities and loads program and state machine scripts. If a component XML entry has the AutoConf element, configure() will be called upon this component as well. If the configuration fails halfway, the system is configured as complete as possible. You can try to reconfigure by loading a new configuration (using loadConfiguration ) and call configureComponents again to resolve remaining issues.

This function tries to apply the configuration with a best effort. For example, if a program must be loaded in the component, and a program with that same name is already present, the present one is unloaded and the new one is attempted to be loaded. If that fails, the configuration process leaves the scripts as-is and proceeds with further configuration steps of the same component and other components.

The order of configuration depends on the order of components during loadConfiguration. The first encountered component is configured first. If additional loadConfiguration operations refer to the same component, the configuration order is not changed.

true if all components could be succesfully configured.

Definition at line 1256 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::configureComponentsGroup(), and DeploymentComponent::nextGroup.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool configureComponentsGroup ( const int  group)
bool configureFromFile ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  filename 

Configure a component by loading a property file.

nameThe name of the component to configure
filenameThe filename where the configuration is in.
true if the component is a peer of this component and the file could be read.

Definition at line 2162 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::configure().

bool configureHook ( )

This function imports available plugins from the path formed by the expression.

ComponentPath + "/rtt/"+ Target + "/plugins"
always true.

Definition at line 260 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

bool connect ( const std::string &  one,
const std::string &  other,
ConnPolicy  policy 

Connect two named ports of components.

The direction of the connection is determined by the read/write port types.

oneA dot-separated path to a port in a service
otherA dot-separated path to a port in a service
policyThe connection policy of the new connetion.
true if the ports are present and could be connected, false otherwise.

Definition at line 566 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::stringToPort().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool connectOperations ( const std::string &  required,
const std::string &  provided 

Connects a required operation to a provided operation.

requiredThe dot-separated name of a required operation
providedThe dot-separated name of a provided operation
true if required is connected to provided

Definition at line 620 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::stringToService(), and DeploymentComponent::stringToServiceRequester().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool connectPeers ( const std::string &  one,
const std::string &  other 

Make two components peers in both directions, such that both can use each other's services.

oneThe component that must 'see' other.
otherThe component that must 'see' one.
true if both components are peers of this deployment component and could be connected.

Definition at line 340 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool connectPorts ( const std::string &  one,
const std::string &  other 

Establish a data flow connection between two tasks.

The direction of the connection is determined by the read/write port types.

Using this function is not advised, since it relies on equal port names on both components. Use the alternative form of connectPorts() which specify component/service and port name.
by connect()
oneThe first component
otherThe second component
true if both tasks are peers of this component and data ports could be connected.

Definition at line 495 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool connectPorts ( const std::string &  one,
const std::string &  one_port,
const std::string &  other,
const std::string &  other_port 

Connect two named ports of components.

The direction of the connection is determined by the read/write port types.

oneName of the first component or a dot-separated path to its service
one_portName of the port of the first component to connect to other_port
otherName of the second component or a dot-separated path to its service
other_portName of the port of the second component to connect to one_port
by connect()
true if the ports are present and could be connected, false otherwise.

Definition at line 513 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::stringToService().

bool connectServices ( const std::string &  one,
const std::string &  other 

Connects the required services of one component to the provided services of another and vice versa.

oneThe name of a provided service or a dot-separated path to a Service
oneThe name of a required service or a dot-separated path to a ServiceRequester
One of the parameters must be a Service and the other a ServiceRequester, or vice versa.

Definition at line 602 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool createStream ( const std::string &  component,
const std::string &  port,
ConnPolicy  policy 
void displayComponentTypes ( ) const

This function prints out the component types this DeploymentComponent can create.

See also

Definition at line 1911 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::getFactories().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

std::vector< std::string > getComponentTypes ( ) const

This function returns the component types this DeploymentComponent can create in a comma separated list.

See also

Definition at line 1922 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::getFactories().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool import ( const std::string &  package)

Import a component package or directory.

The import statement searches through the component paths set with path() or set using the RTT_COMPONENT_PATH environment variable.

packageA (ros) package or directory name. All components, plugins and typekits in package will be loaded and become available to the application. As a special case, you may specify a path to a library directly, which will be loaded when found.
true if the package could be found and loaded, false if no such package was found in the search path.

Definition at line 1748 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

void kickOut ( const std::string &  config_file)

Identical to kickOutAll, but it reads the name of the Components to kickOut from an XML file.

config_filename of an XML file (probably the same used by loadComponents() or kickStart() ).

Definition at line 2184 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::kickOutComponent().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool kickOutAll ( )

Stop, cleanup and unload all components loaded by the DeploymentComponent.

0 == nextGroup

Definition at line 725 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::kickOutGroup(), and DeploymentComponent::nextGroup.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::~DeploymentComponent().

bool kickOutComponent ( const std::string &  comp_name)

Stop, cleanup and unload a single component which were loaded by this component.

comp_namename of the component.
true if successfully stopped, cleaned and unloaded

Definition at line 2285 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::cleanupComponent(), DeploymentComponent::root, DeploymentComponent::stopComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::unloadComponent().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::kickOut().

bool loadComponent ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  type 

Load a new component in the current process.

It wil appear as a peer with name name of this component.

nameName the new component will receive.
typeThe type of the component. This is usually a library (.dll or .so) name.
True if the component could be created, false if name is already in use or type was not an Orocos library.

Definition at line 1789 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::addPeer(), and DeploymentComponent::componentLoaded().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::loadComponentsInGroup().

bool loadComponents ( const std::string &  config_file)

Load a (partial) application XML configuration from disk.

The necessary components are located or loaded, but no component configuration is yet applied. One can load multiple configurations and call configureComponents() once to apply all settings. In case of duplicate information is the latest loaded configuration option used. The components are loaded into the next group number, and the next group number is incremented.

See also
configureComponents to configure the components with the loaded configuration and startComponents to start them.
config_fileA file on local disk containing the XML configuration.
true if the configuration could be read and was valid.

Definition at line 764 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::loadComponentsInGroup(), and DeploymentComponent::nextGroup.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::loadConfiguration().

bool loadComponentsInGroup ( const std::string &  config_file,
const int  group 

Load a (partial) application XML configuration from disk into a specific group.

If the group already exists, then adds to that group. Does not affect existing members of the group.

See also
loadComponents for general details
config_fileA file on local disk containing the XML configuration.
groupThe group number to load into
0 <= group
true if the configuration could be read and was valid.

Definition at line 771 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::loadComponent(), DeploymentComponent::loadLibrary(), DeploymentComponent::path(), DeploymentComponent::root, and DeploymentComponent::setNamedActivity().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::kickStart(), and DeploymentComponent::loadComponents().

bool loadConfiguration ( const std::string &  config_file)

Load a (partial) application XML configuration from disk.

The necessary components are located or loaded, but no component configuration is yet applied. One can load multiple configurations and call configureComponents() once to apply all settings. In case of duplicate information is the latest loaded configuration option used.

by loadComponents.
See also
configureComponents to configure the components with the loaded configuration.
config_fileA file on local disk containing the XML configuration.
true if the configuration could be read and was valid.

Definition at line 759 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::loadComponents().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::loadConfigurationString().

bool loadConfigurationString ( const std::string &  config_text)

Identical to loadConfiguration, but reads the XML from a string instead of a file.

config_textA string containing the XML configuration.
true if the configuration string could be read and was valid.

Definition at line 666 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::loadConfiguration().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool loadLibrary ( const std::string &  name)

Use this command to load a plugin or component library into the memory of the current process.

This is a low-level function which you should only use if you could not use import().

namean absolute or relative path to a loadable library.
True if it could be loaded, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1761 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::loadComponentsInGroup().

bool loadService ( const std::string &  component,
const std::string &  service 

Loads a service in the given component.

If a service with the name of service is already loaded, does nothing and returns true.

If the loaded service uses another name to expose itself or does not register itself with an RTT::Service object, this function will load the service anyway in case it has been loaded before.
componentA peer of this component.
serviceA service discovered by the PluginLoader which will be loaded into component.
false if component is not a peer or service is not known. true otherwise.

Definition at line 1773 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

void path ( const std::string &  path)

Add an additional path to search for component packages.

acolon or semi-colon separated list of directories to search for. Typically, paths have the form prefix1/lib/orocos:prefix2/lib/orocos etc.

Definition at line 1754 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::loadComponentsInGroup().

bool reloadLibrary ( const std::string &  filepath)

Use this command to reload a component library into the memory of the current process.

This is a low-level function which you should only use for testing/development

filepathan absolute path to a loaded library.
True if it could be reloaded, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1767 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool setActivity ( const std::string &  comp_name,
double  period,
int  priority,
int  scheduler 

(Re-)set the activity of a component with an activity.

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
periodThe period of the activity (or 0.0 if non periodic).
priorityThe scheduler priority (OS dependent).
schedulerThe scheduler type ORO_SCHED_RT or ORO_SCHED_OTHER.
false if one of the parameters does not match or if the component is running.

Definition at line 1932 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::setNamedActivity().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool setActivityOnCPU ( const std::string &  comp_name,
double  period,
int  priority,
int  scheduler,
unsigned int  cpu_nr 

(Re-)set the activity of a component and run it on a given CPU.

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
periodThe period of the activity (or 0.0 if non periodic).
priorityThe scheduler priority (OS dependent).
schedulerThe scheduler type ORO_SCHED_RT or ORO_SCHED_OTHER.
cpu_nrThe CPU to run the thread on. Numbering starts from zero.
@return false if one of the parameters does not match or if the
component is running.

Definition at line 1960 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::setNamedActivity().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool setFileDescriptorActivity ( const std::string &  comp_name,
double  timeout,
int  priority,
int  scheduler 

(Re-)set the activity of a component with a FileDescriptor activity.

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
timeoutThe timeout of the activity (or 0.0 if no timeout).
priorityThe scheduler priority (OS dependent).
schedulerThe scheduler type ORO_SCHED_RT or ORO_SCHED_OTHER.
false if one of the parameters does not match or if the component is running.

Definition at line 1946 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::setNamedActivity().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool setMasterSlaveActivity ( const std::string &  comp_name,
const std::string &  master_name 

(Re-)set the activity of a component with a slave activity with master.

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
master_nameThe name of the master component.
false if one of the components is not found or comp_name is running.

Definition at line 2014 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::setNamedActivity().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool setNamedActivity ( const std::string &  comp_name,
const std::string &  act_type,
double  period,
int  priority,
int  scheduler,
const std::string &  master_name = "" 

(Re-)set the activity of a component.

CPU affinity defaults to all available CPUs

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
act_typeThe RTT::Activity type: 'Activity', 'PeriodicActivity', 'SequentialActivity' or 'SlaveActivity'.
priorityThe scheduler priority (OS dependent).
periodThe period of the activity.
schedulerThe scheduler type ORO_SCHED_RT or ORO_SCHED_OTHER.
master_nameThe name of the master component in case of a extras::SlaveActivity with a master.
false if one of the parameters does not match or if the component is running.

Definition at line 2028 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::loadComponentsInGroup(), DeploymentComponent::setActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setActivityOnCPU(), DeploymentComponent::setFileDescriptorActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setMasterSlaveActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setPeriodicActivity(), DeploymentComponent::setSequentialActivity(), and DeploymentComponent::setSlaveActivity().

bool setNamedActivity ( const std::string &  comp_name,
const std::string &  act_type,
double  period,
int  priority,
int  scheduler,
unsigned  cpu_affinity,
const std::string &  master_name = "" 

(Re-)set the activity of a component.

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
act_typeThe RTT::Activity type: 'Activity', 'PeriodicActivity', 'SequentialActivity' or 'SlaveActivity'.
priorityThe scheduler priority (OS dependent).
periodThe period of the activity.
schedulerThe scheduler type ORO_SCHED_RT or ORO_SCHED_OTHER.
cpu_affinityThe prefered cpu to run on (a mask)
master_nameThe name of the master component in case of a extras::SlaveActivity with a master.
false if one of the parameters does not match or if the component is running.

Definition at line 2042 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

bool setPeriodicActivity ( const std::string &  comp_name,
double  period,
int  priority,
int  scheduler 

(Re-)set the activity of a component with a periodic activity.

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
periodThe period of the activity.
priorityThe scheduler priority (OS dependent).
schedulerThe scheduler type ORO_SCHED_RT or ORO_SCHED_OTHER.
false if one of the parameters does not match or if the component is running.

Definition at line 1975 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::setNamedActivity().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool setSequentialActivity ( const std::string &  comp_name)

(Re-)set the activity of a component with a (threadless, reactive) sequential activity.

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
false if one of the parameters does not match or if the component is running.

Definition at line 2002 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::setNamedActivity().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool setSlaveActivity ( const std::string &  comp_name,
double  period 

(Re-)set the activity of a component with a (stand alone) slave activity.

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
periodThe period of the activity.
false if one of the parameters does not match or if the component is running.

Definition at line 1989 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::setNamedActivity().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool setWaitPeriodPolicy ( const std::string &  comp_name,
int  policy 

(Re-)set the wait period policy of a component's thread.

comp_nameThe name of the component to change.
policyThe new policy ORO_WAIT_ABS or ORO_WAIT_REL
false if one of the parameters does not match.

Definition at line 2140 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool startComponent ( RTT::TaskContext *  instance)

Stop a single loaded and running component.

instanceinstance pointer of the component.
true if successfully started.

Definition at line 2247 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool startComponent ( const std::string &  comp_name)

Stop a single loaded and running components.

comp_namename of the component.
true if successfully started

Definition at line 874 of file DeploymentComponent.hpp.

bool startComponents ( )

Start all components in the current configuration which have AutoStart set to true.

true if all components could be succesfully started.

Definition at line 1555 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::nextGroup, and DeploymentComponent::startComponentsGroup().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool startComponentsGroup ( const int  group)

Start all components in group group which have AutoStart set to true.

true if all the group's components could be succesfully started.

Definition at line 1565 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::ComponentData::group, DeploymentComponent::ComponentData::instance, and DeploymentComponent::root.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::kickStart(), and DeploymentComponent::startComponents().

bool stopComponent ( RTT::TaskContext *  instance)

Stop a single loaded and running component.

instanceinstance pointer of the component.
true if successfully stopped.

Definition at line 2266 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::kickOutComponent().

bool stopComponent ( const std::string &  comp_name)

Stop a single loaded and running components.

comp_namename of the component.
true if successfully stopped

Definition at line 891 of file DeploymentComponent.hpp.

bool stopComponentsGroup ( const int  group)

Stop all loaded and running components in group group.

groupThe group number to stop

Definition at line 1628 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::ComponentData::group, and DeploymentComponent::ComponentData::instance.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::kickOutGroup(), and DeploymentComponent::stopComponents().

bool stream ( const std::string &  port,
ConnPolicy  policy 

Creates a stream from a given port of a component.

portThe dot-separated path to an input or output port of component or service.
policyThe connection policy that instructs how to set up the stream. The policy.transport field is mandatory, the policy.name_id field is highly recommended.
true if the stream could be setup.

Definition at line 593 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::stringToPort().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

base::PortInterface * stringToPort ( std::string const &  names)

Converts a dot-separated path to a service to a Port object.

namea dot-separated path name to a port. The first part of the name must be the component name. Example: "Controller.arm.input".
null if the port could not be found, the port otherwise

Definition at line 456 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::connect(), and DeploymentComponent::stream().

Service::shared_ptr stringToService ( std::string const &  names)

Converts a dot-separated path to a service to a Service object.

namea dot-separated path name to a service. The first part of the name must be the component name. For example 'Controller.arm'.
null if the service could not be found, the service otherwise

Definition at line 392 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::connectOperations(), DeploymentComponent::connectPorts(), and DeploymentComponent::createStream().

ServiceRequester::shared_ptr stringToServiceRequester ( std::string const &  names)

Converts a dot-separated path to a service to a ServiceRequester object.

namea dot-separated path name to a service. The first part of the name must be the component name. For example 'Controller.arm'.
null if the service could not be found, the service otherwise

Definition at line 426 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::connectOperations().

bool unloadComponent ( const std::string &  name)

Unload a loaded component from the current process.

It may not be running.

nameThe name of a component loaded with loadComponent().
true if name was not running and could be unloaded.

Definition at line 1892 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::unloadComponentImpl().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent(), and DeploymentComponent::kickOutComponent().

bool unloadComponentsGroup ( const int  group)

Unload all loaded and not running components in group group.

groupThe group number to unload

Definition at line 1715 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::ComponentData::group, and DeploymentComponent::unloadComponentImpl().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::kickOutGroup(), and DeploymentComponent::unloadComponents().

bool waitForInterrupt ( )

Waits for SIGINT, SIGTERM or SIGHUP and then returns.

false if this function could not install a signal handler.

Definition at line 288 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::waitForSignals().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool waitForSignal ( int  signumber)

Waits for any signal and then returns.

false if this function could not install a signal handler.

Definition at line 296 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

References DeploymentComponent::waitForSignals().

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::DeploymentComponent().

bool waitForSignals ( int *  sigs,
std::size_t  sig_count 

Waits for any signal in the list and then returns.

sigsa pointer to the first element in the list of signals
thenumber of signals in the list
false if this function could not install a signal handler.

Definition at line 300 of file DeploymentComponent.cpp.

Referenced by DeploymentComponent::waitForInterrupt(), and DeploymentComponent::waitForSignal().

Member Data Documentation

RTT::PropertyBag root

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