▼NOCL | The Orocos Component Library |
▼Nlogging | |
CAppender | |
CCategory | A real-time capable category |
CCategoryStream | This is a utility class which you can use to stream messages into a category object |
CFileAppender | |
CGenerationalFileAppender | Appender supporting generations of log files |
CLog4cxxAppender | Interoperability component which translates our log4cpp events to log4cxx events and sends them to a network/socket appender |
CLoggingEvent | A mirror of log4cpp::LoggingEvent, except using real-time capable strings |
CLoggingService | This component is responsible for reading the logging configuration setting up the logging categories and connecting to the appenders |
COstreamAppender | |
CRollingFileAppender | |
▼NTCP | |
CAliasCommand | Another name for a command |
CCommand | Command pattern |
CDatasender | This class manages the connection with one single client |
CRealCommand | Real command which can be executed |
CSocket | |
CTcpReportingInterpreter | Reads a line from the client and interprete it |
CCheckSizeDataSource | Helper data source to check if two sizes are still equal and check an upstream comparison as well |
Ccomcol | |
CConsoleReporting | A component which writes data reports to a console |
CCorbaDeploymentComponent | |
▼CDeploymentComponent | A Component for deploying (configuring) other components in an application |
CComponentData | Each configured component is stored in a struct like this |
CConnectionData | Assembles all ports which share a connection |
CFileReporting | A component which writes data reports to a file |
CHelloWorld | Every component inherits from the 'RTT::TaskContext' class |
CHMIConsoleOutput | This component can be used to display messages on the standard output |
Ckeycol | |
CListenThread | ListenThread is a thread which waits for new incoming connections from clients |
CLuaComponent | |
CLuaService | |
CLuaStateHandle | |
CNetcdfReporting | A component which writes data reports to a netCDF file |
COCLTypekit | |
COSService | A service that provides access to some useful Operating System functions |
CPrintService | A service that provides basic printing to std::cout, std::cerr and the RTT::Logger |
CReportingComponent | A Component for periodically reporting Component Port contents to a human readable text format |
CTaskBrowser | This component allows a text client to browse the peers of a peer RTT::TaskContext and execute commands |
CTcpReporting | A component which writes data reports to a tcp/ip socket |
CTestcomp | |
▼CTimerComponent | A Component interface to the Real-Time types::Toolkit's timer |
CTimeoutCatcher | Helper class for catching the virtual timeout function of Timer |
Ctitlecol | |
▼NRTT | |
CDemarshallConfiguration | Contains the required classes for a full demarshalling operation |
CEmptyHeaderMarshaller | A Dummy Empty Header MarshallInterface |
CEmptyMarshaller | A Dummy Empty MarshallInterface |
CMarshallConfiguration | Contains the required classes for a full marshalling operation |
CMarshallerAdaptor | Converts one marshaller type to another marshaller |
CNetcdfHeaderMarshaller | A marsh::MarshallInterface for generating variables in a netcdf dataset |
CNetcdfMarshaller | A marsh::MarshallInterface for writing data logs into the variables of a netcdf file |
CNiceHeaderMarshaller | A marsh::MarshallInterface for generating headers usable for interpretation by plot programs |
CPropertyAdaptor | |
CSocketMarshaller | Marsh::MarshallInterface which sends data to multiple sockets |
CTableHeaderMarshaller | A marsh::MarshallInterface for generating headers of tables |
CTableMarshaller | A marsh::MarshallInterface for generating a stream of numbers, ordered in columns |
Carea_info_struct | |
Cbhdr_struct | |
CEEHook | |
Cfree_ptr_struct | |
Clua_Debug | |
Clua_tlsf_info | |
COperationHandle | |
CSmain | |
CTLSF_struct |